Monday 12 April 2010

I'm in the love section of the Russell Brand Marmite cultural clash

There's just something about him that makes me just want to... Hug him. I think he'd be quite a good cuddle buddy.
I was watching Russell Brand - Doing Life a few nights ago and I think he's hit the comical nail on the head. The hair, guyliner, blasphemy of a sailor and skinny jeans teamed with his perfect diction and firm grasp on grammar is just comedy gold. Not to mention that even though he is one of the best Marmite comedians on the planet, and he still has trouble fitting in. He talked about when he was filming Forgetting Sarah Marshall in Hawaii; he was sitting in a "skanky little caravan" by himself, and decided to make a football game by hanging a hoola-hoop by a piece of rope from the ceiling and seeing if he could kick a ball through it. Soon enough, he became oddly obsessed with it and started doing scores and making leagues, and he would wake up one morning feeling anxious and say "Oh, I've got to play Everton today... They've really upped their game since the quarter-finals!"
He then went on to describe his unorthodox encounter with Woody Olsen from Cheers!. Russell was playing his football game, just wearing a pair of green boxer shorts, when Woody just walks through the door without even knocking and just says, pointing at the hoola-hoop, "Hey dude. What's that?"
Russell said "Well, I've got to tell him, or he'll think the worst. There's a hoola-hoop hanging from the ceiling and I am very scantily-clad... He'll probably think I'm doing some sort of weird aerobic dancing wank-game... I've just got to tell him." He proceeded by explaining the game to Woody, who tried it for himself, and then, without saying goodbye, walked back out of the door and started climbing a tree.
Needless to say, I love Russell Brand. Though I hate Marmite.

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