Saturday 7 August 2010

Don't you think it's weird that... (Part I)

Don't you think it's weird how we always need something to read on holiday? Do you want to sit on the beach, go for a swim, walk the streets of Paris? No. I want to read the prequel to The Devil Wears Prada.

Sunday 11 July 2010

This is Blogger, not MySpace.

I don't care if you're in a relationship with a goat, let alone another one of those chromosome-challenged numbnuts from the comprehensive down the road.
I don't care if you're trying to bless my with an imaginary fairy. In fact, it kind of pisses me off.
And I really don't care if you're adopting a lonely cow or making ratatouille.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

I just realized all my posts were nothing but Formspring!

The shock of it!
These people at are trying to drag me away from my Blogger account so they can take it over and plague it with ugly, short posts about boys I haven't kissed and movies I haven't seen... Gah!
So, I'm back to my cynical self, to praise the things I like (Covent Garden, Twitter, Starbucks, Johnny Depp, Art Nouveau and Banksy), and crush everything else. Mwahaha!

Friday 18 June 2010

You know that kid, Ina, what do you think of her?

I find her a bit irritating after a while, but at least she's keen. As I said she was irritating I'm not putting this on Facebook.

Go for your life n.n

what have you done with your hair?

I've dyed it... Do you like it? :)

Go for your life n.n

Thursday 3 June 2010

dropped what?

THE HAT! Lol jk, the John Lennon glasses thing :)

Go for your life n.n

guess who i am and the smell of tea filled the room

LIANA!!!! ;D

Go for your life n.n


SURE!!! Um... Who should I sign it to?

Go for your life n.n

Have you ever kissed a girl?

Hahahaha lol. Don't go there xD

Go for your life n.n

rosie have you ever had a boyfriend b4?????

If I'm entirely honest? No, I haven't. I think I'm too young to be having stupid hand-holding wet weekends-of-boys that I never talk to.

Go for your life n.n

Tuesday 1 June 2010

not really tbhh

Well, you must care because you haven't dropped it yet :L

Go for your life n.n


I could tell from all the exaggerated vowels! xD

Go for your life n.n

Why do i want to know that you are wearing ohn lennon glasses for?

Because they're coooooool :3

Go for your life n.n

oh i like your background :)

Thank you n.n
The grey bits are supposed to represent Ms Monroe's descent from fame... It was her own damn fault... she was dating someone in the Mafia :L

Go for your life n.n

Lmaaaaaao :L

I'm wearing John Lennon glasses :)

Go for your life n.n


Thanks... Um... Who is this? :L xxxx

Go for your life n.n

Go for your life :B

That question about who am i was mee ;)

Aaaah, okay ;D

Go for your life n.n

the point of Formspring is that it is anonymous...

That can make it more mysterious... :D
I don't understand why they have the option to put your ID 'cause no-one ever does...

Go for your life n.n

STOP SAYING n.n !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, chill out o.O xD

Go for your life n.n

Whoo am i?

... Whoever you want to be... but as you're anonymous, I can't really answer that question n.n

Go for your life n.n

You look like Meg from Family Guy :)

Oh, shit... Right now I'm wearing a beanie hat and circular glasses... I'm screwed xD

Go for your life n.n

If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose?

This year, definitely... zomg, i just asked myself a question... somebody ask me something!

Go for your life n.n

Go for your life n.n

well i dont have formspring so that would be a no.

Say it to my face, you keyboard warrior.

Go for your life n.n

Monday 31 May 2010

you and oscar are sooo more than friends

Hey, if you're gonna have the sheer idiocy to say things like that then at least include your user information to show that you really do have a pair.

Ask me anything

Saturday 22 May 2010

Thursday 20 May 2010

Go for your life... I'm lonely. n.n

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Woah, that's a high note...

I never knew that Bat For Lashes sound so much like Kate Bush, and so does Florence + The Machine. Huh.
It's hauntingly soothing though.
Like a poltergiest giving you a massage.
Or flying in the rain.
It makes me want to dress in a girdle and sing about tuberculosis with tears of wine running down my cheeks.
You can't beat a good bit of classic gothic music. Not goth, not emo, calm, chilled, gothic.

*Sigh*, I wish I could sing like that.

I don't know why my Freak Graffiti like box is for lactose-free milk... :@

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Freaky Graffiti

I adore Banksy, and I will talk a bit more about him in my later posts.
It seems that the little town of Norwich isn't all just mustard and churches after all.
There is a hell of a load of artistic graffiti around the place, so I decided to dedicate a Facebook group to it (there's groups for everything nowadays, from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to the sugary bit at the end of a cup of tea).
It's called I love finding freaky graffiti, and I'm not sure that this will work, but I've put a "like" box in this post, so you can just click on it to like it.

The Female Advising Hypothetical Black Hole

There's a guy.
Yes, there is a guy.
I don't like him in that way. He's my best friend.
Though he likes me in that way.
I thought it would be good if I promoted myself in his life, to his "female advisor", as he is a total social reject.
He said he liked a girl, and he wanted to know what to say to her. I said, basically, what he wanted to say.
He said "thanks", walked out the door and then came back in five seconds later, and said the speech.
What should I have said?
Because I didn't say anything.
I was so... shocked.
The only thing I could think to say was "duck".
He seemed confused.
So I punched him in the face.
Quite hard.

Sunday 25 April 2010


What do you do if you secretly want to eat Coco Pops and when you get the bag out, they split and go everywhere? Like, everywhere? I'm screwed. I could just eat my way out. :S

Friday 16 April 2010

Hilarious Frasier clip

If you're not a follower of Frasier, then Niles felt bad that he was never rebellious as a teenager, so he asked a friend to get him a pot brownie. Then she left it with Marty, Niles' dad, who ate it and then replaced it, not knowing it was full of reefer. Niles still assumed that he was stoned, while Marty was walking around in his boxer shorts eating pudding and chips. It's a must-see XD

Monday 12 April 2010

Edward's just a paranoid, over-protective sparkle man

Just think about it. People are all saying "oh, Edward, I love him. I want a vampire boyfriend!"
Let's state why.
1. They're gorgeous.
2. They've been around for a while, so they'd know a thing or two.
3. They're gorgeous.
4. They're gorgeous.
Okay, so really, there's only two reasons. Think about what Edward is really like, minus the strength, hot body and sunlight-activated fairy sparkles. He's a... paranoid, over-protective not-so-sparkly man. He breaks Bella's car so she can't visit her friends, he makes her choose between him and her best friend, he refuses to change her so he can marvel this cute, vulnerable little girl-b*tch he's collected and deny her his body until she crumbles into a quivering pool of madness which he can stroke and tend for until it dies.
The only way that Steph Meyer can get away with this and still make Edward seem all fantastical, is by making Bella this dozy-eyed, mouth-breathing waste of space whose life revolves entirely around this FICTIONAL character.
Well, I hope that Crazy Edward and Sleepy Bella have a happy time in make-believe-shiny-world, while their presence in the books that their maker wrote will live on and plague the minds of the Noughties generation's girls. They want commitment from their beautiful, fake boyfriends and they are so strong that they will defend them from everything bad, from disease, to red-headed baddies and the Credit Crunch.
But the thing that makes me laugh is that in folklore is that original vampires 4000 years ago were female! Crazy undead women that come down to Earth, eat your babies, and have sex with your men! And now we find them sexy. Strange.

Geisha are very misunderstood people

Somehow the topic of geisha came up in conversation with my friend the other day and I said "oh, do you know that geisha are supposed to be an illusion of the perfect woman and they have to stay in this matriarchal society for six years and-"
"Yeah, I know, I've read a whole book on geishas, don't talk to me like I'm stupid."
"Actually, you just say geisha, not geishas. So I will talk to you like you're stupid. And what was the book?"
"Something like Memories of a Geisha or something."
I have this weird obsession with all things Japanese (I love the Itsu Japanese restaurant), so when I got home I Googled it, turns out it was Memoirs of a Geisha (so my friend is now a bit stupider) and I thought ooh, this will be interesting so I did some research. Turns out the person that the memoir was based on is trying to sue the writer for countless misinterpretations. After doing a bit of research on what geisha are actually like, the book made it seem like a form of prostitution rather than an amazingly respected profession which requires stamina, patience and a very large amount of skill.
I respect the geisha, and their eccentric yet traditional wax-based makeup.

I'm in the love section of the Russell Brand Marmite cultural clash

There's just something about him that makes me just want to... Hug him. I think he'd be quite a good cuddle buddy.
I was watching Russell Brand - Doing Life a few nights ago and I think he's hit the comical nail on the head. The hair, guyliner, blasphemy of a sailor and skinny jeans teamed with his perfect diction and firm grasp on grammar is just comedy gold. Not to mention that even though he is one of the best Marmite comedians on the planet, and he still has trouble fitting in. He talked about when he was filming Forgetting Sarah Marshall in Hawaii; he was sitting in a "skanky little caravan" by himself, and decided to make a football game by hanging a hoola-hoop by a piece of rope from the ceiling and seeing if he could kick a ball through it. Soon enough, he became oddly obsessed with it and started doing scores and making leagues, and he would wake up one morning feeling anxious and say "Oh, I've got to play Everton today... They've really upped their game since the quarter-finals!"
He then went on to describe his unorthodox encounter with Woody Olsen from Cheers!. Russell was playing his football game, just wearing a pair of green boxer shorts, when Woody just walks through the door without even knocking and just says, pointing at the hoola-hoop, "Hey dude. What's that?"
Russell said "Well, I've got to tell him, or he'll think the worst. There's a hoola-hoop hanging from the ceiling and I am very scantily-clad... He'll probably think I'm doing some sort of weird aerobic dancing wank-game... I've just got to tell him." He proceeded by explaining the game to Woody, who tried it for himself, and then, without saying goodbye, walked back out of the door and started climbing a tree.
Needless to say, I love Russell Brand. Though I hate Marmite.

I guess that's why Dalí did pictures of people eating each other

Dalí, one of the best known surrealists, famed for his remarkable mustache and overall flamboyance, was acutally very disturbed.This crazy Spanish artist and visionary of the 20th century wasn't always a total psycho. One of the contributing factors of his nuttiness was the uncanny behaviour of his parents.Three years before the surrealist was born, they had another child, also called Salvador. He lived a short life; he died at the age of two due to serious health problems, and as they grieved, they decided to have another child. As it was also a boy, the named the new baby Salvador too. They frequently talked about the old Salvador like he was still there, and took their new child to the toddler's grave. As you can imagine, being a young child and seeing a gravestone with your own name on it was deeply distressing.Then, at the age of 12, Salvador was sent to boarding school, where he was frequently beaten and scolded for his different way of thinking.Needless to say, I think that's why he became one of the most f****ed up geniuses that the world has ever seen.